Monthly Archives: April 2014

Woman dies seeking cheap plastic surgery

A woman who was desiring to get plastic surgery but couldn’t afford the expensive surgeons in the states went to the Dominican Republic seeking a cheaper deal. She ended up dying from an embolism.

The Fitness Fad

There has recently been a large increase in the number of people that are advocating the gym. The gym has always been a major industry, but now with cross fit and women getting into lifting, it is becoming something even bigger. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking sites publish many articles, and pictures about healthy eating, and fitness. These fitness posts include different classes that can be taken at gyms, outdoor activities, and also how to operate the machines as the gym. Many women post pictures about lifting weights. Many studies show that women who lift will not get “big and bulky” like they would think. Men and women have different hormonal levels. In order for a woman to gain a large amount of muscle, she would have to take number of supplements and lift frequently. There is a very common misconception when it comes to that, and I think that women are starting to do their research and realize that.